August 2020 Readathon Wrap Up (I failed!)
Updated: Aug 19, 2020

A Disclaimer: I totally failed this Readathon but it's okay... I still read 4 books!!
I am a moderator of The Procrastinators Book Club over on Goodreads and for this month I handled and participated in the August 2020 Readathon.
Readathons last a whole week (August 8-14) and the goal is to read 7 books in 7 days. I was so set to finish 7 audiobooks but life doesn't always go as planned and that's okay :)
So here are the 4 books I did end up finishing during the Readathon:

┈ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson ┈
Usually, I don't pick up self-help books but my friend recommended me this one and I have no regrets. It was a highly accessible self-help book that I have not seen much of that allows for readers of different ages (especially in the new adult side and maybe young adult) to still be able to gather something from it's content.
I highly recommend this is you are in need of a "not intimidating" self-help book.
Note: I read the audiobook and the performance was phenomenal

┈ Turtles All the Way Down by John Green ┈
Yes, I read a John Green book.
So many people have such strong feelings about this novel and I.... don't.
I gave this 3 stars on Goodreads because it wasn't exactly bad and the mental health rep was on point. It just didn't leave me wanting more, I guess? Even then, I still think that it's a good Young Adult read, especially one that puts a huge focus on anxiety. It was a satisfying read to say the least.

┈ Night Bloomers by Michelle Pearce ┈
This is another self-help book that leans more on the specifics and would be a good one to be picked up by writers I feel. Each chapter focuses on a certain principle. The author also really goes into her own experiences and there is just so much thought put into every point.
I read an ARC of this but you can start getting your copy by September 16, 2020! I feel that everyone will be able to take something from it no matter your age group.

┈ The Switch by Beth O'Leary ┈
THIS BOOK!! What a pleasant and wholesome read <3
Reading this book felt like an escape to the countryside or something. In this book, the grandma and her granddaughter decide to switch lives and it is just one hell of a great time. It was so easy to get attached to all the characters and if I could live with those old people forever, I would.
And that's it! This was a short post just because I wasn't able to get much pleasure reading done since I accepted quite a few Beta Reads. But I'm planning to cut down on those so that I can go back to reviewing and reading books ♡
You can find my failed TBR list here if you want!
If you are interested in our 7-day Redathons you can join our next one in October!! In the meanwhile, you can join our book club: The Procrastinators Book Club wherein we host seasonal team challenges and buddy reads with my fellow mods ♡
Thank you so much for reading! What are the books you have read recently?
