16 Starter Book Series for the Fantasy Junkie

I love a good contemporary but nothing sucks you in and makes you forget about real life like a good fantasy ♡ don't you think?
I made a list of starter book series that you might want to check out if you want to get into fantasy. Personally, there are also my "Fantasy Basics" and are mostly the books that I started with that got me so into the fantasy genre.
I’m not including Percy Jackson and Harry Potter because we all already know about those books. Here I have listed book series ranging from Middle Grade to Adult! Hopefully, you'll find a new series for you. Or maybe one of these is already your favorite?
Before I get into my list of fantasy series faves-- for this post I'm so happy to be working with ~Peter Martuneac~ for their recently released book Her Name Was Abby. It's a post-apocalyptic (thriller) novel that I recommend picking up if you're a fantasy lover who is looking to branch out into the thriller genre or if you want a thriller book (or series) in a somewhat different setting.

Now, time to get started on the 16 series that I have listed :) Tell me if any of these are your favorites or if you found a new series to get started! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments ♡

┈ Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson ┈
┈ 6 Books ┈
I just had to start this post with one of my favorite High Fantasy authors. Mistborn is set in a world wherein they acquire powers through consuming metals. I don't know with you but once I heard bout that I was SOLD.
The first 3 books are one series and the last 3 books are kind of like a sequel series to the original 3, in case you weren't aware.
It has political and social construct commentary especially with regards to religions (in a way). It's just a series that will make you think and it's really everything I can ask for in a fantasy. It has intense battle scenes, fast-paced but intricate writing/world-building, and an unpredictable plot!
Mistborn has one of the most iconic and unique magic systems out there. It's SO out of the box that... it's amazing. I can't explain much cause *spoilers* but it just makes sense in the way that there is always an in-depth explanation of how it works (this goes for all the Brandon Sanderson books I have read to be honest). The magic doesn't happen "just because"... there is always a reason and an explanation that will make you go "huh, I believe that could happen".
I cannot hype this series up enough!! I literally talk about it all the time and I will never shut up about it.

┈ Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes ┈
┈ 6 books ┈
This is probably on the more underrated side of fantasy series. To be honest, this series reminds me of a YA Game of Thrones... with the royal family feuds, characters running around the land, and star crossed lovers (ish) thing going on.
But to be honest so many things go down throughout this whole series that I don't even know where to start with the plot. There are people who can turn into birds and elemental magic and people are always running around the kingdom that my brain gets a headache tracking them all down... it gets wild.
If you are looking for an adventure, this book series is for you.

┈ The Nevernight Chronicles by Jay Kristoff ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
Looking for a fantasy that doesn't shy away from gore and... other adult themes? You are going to love this!! The first book is set in an assassin school/academy type of setting so that's what pulled me in about it at first. But it really goes beyond that and Jay Kristoff's writing really peaked in this series (I read Aurora Rising and I hated it I'm sorry).
There's a certain grimdark touch to the writing here just be aware, but it was honestly one of my favorite things to read. It also isn't that dark if you're intimidated to read it for that. I definitely found myself laughing more than once and guys please... there's a shadow cat and a shadow wolf... you'll love them.
If you are intimidated by the footnotes: I read most of this series on audiobook (I still have to read the last book) which makes it easier to get through the footnotes. I highly recommend the audiobook because the performance is just phenomenal *chefs kiss*

┈ The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
I swear if you like those time-travel plots, you are gonna want to give this a try! The characters are absolutely to die for and I was on the edge of my... bed... the whole time. The story starts off when our main character breaks this artifact, or does she lose it...? My memory is foggy but she has to go back in time to fix it. It definitely gives off Six of Crows vibes just don't expect a 6-person point of view and a whole squad. It's best if you don't know much about it going in so that's basically all I want to tell you, it's everything that I knew going in as well so we're all in the same boat.
I am going to be re-reading this week since I am going to be doing a Buddy Read for The Devil's Thief, which is the second book, with my friends on Goodreads. I'm so excited to continue with this series and the third book is going to be coming out later this year, if not early 2021, so this is the perfect time to start reading it... just saying :>

┈ Shades of Magic by V.E. Schwab ┈
┈ 6 books ┈
This is marketed as Adult Sci-Fi but I would consider it YA a bit... you know I'm not really sure but V.E. Schwab's writing is just great.
Another one of those unique magic systems that I just love to mention when I find books that have weird elements that work with the writing so flawlessly. There are different Londons that sort of exist in these parallel dimensions and Kell is one of the only Antari. They are these sort of... I don't want to say 'chosen ones' because it doesn't fit that stereotype but we're going with... that can travel through these parallel Londons.
This is going to be another big "just trust me you'll love this" series and if for some reason you still haven't read this... you are missing out.
I am planning to reread this in October so if you want to Buddy Read this with me hmu <3

┈ Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson ┈
┈ 2 books ┈
Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite (if not my favorite) fantasy author so you shouldn't be surprised to see 2 series of his here. The only reason there aren't more Sanderson books is simply because I have not caught up with the other series.
Warbreaker is about these two sisters as they kind of try to rescue one another as one of them is forced to marry the God King who is like the leader of the group of gods that took over their land to ensure peace. I'm bad at summarizing plots BUT I can tell you that this is highly an adventurous book that will really take on such a unique journey even within the walls of one book.
This was originally supposed to be standalone but it was created into a duology, though the second book has yet to be released and honestly the first book can stand on its own. I highly recommend this once again (basically all the books on this list) but especially for those of you who are looking for a shorter but still thorough fantasy.
My free piece of advice for you today is: if it's a Brandon Sanderson book, just pick it up, the plot is probably embedded with its own mystery because you have to figure out how the magic system works per series... while having high-intensity battle scenes that makes you want to quit the YA genre entirely

┈ Arc of a Scythe by Neal Shusterman ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
At the moment that I'm writing this I am currently reading the last book in this trilogy and let me tell you that: THIS SERIES HAS BEEN WILD!! I seriously don't know what to do with myself with all the twists and turns the plot is going, my brain can't take it.
It is so addicting to read that once you start, I guarantee you won't be able to stop just based on your curiosity. The Arc of a Scythe series is set in a dystopian world wherein all "negative" things in the human have been removed including natural death. The world-building is so much more intricate than that though and by the last book, Neal Shusterman has about covered about every plot hole that you can think of.
Shusterman is definitely one of my favorite authors at this point. The way he wrote this story is in a way that you will really get into the head of all the different characters, even minor ones, which is a style that a number of my favorite books have I noticed.
If you like reading about themes that tackle morality and topics that make you think. Pick this book up today! (I'm sorry that sounded like an advertisement)

┈ The Infernal Devices Cassandra Clare ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
If you have known me or have followed me for even a while you shouldn't be surprised that this series is here. For those of you who like atmospheric reads I highly HIGHLY recommend The Infernal Devices. This series is set in VICTORIAN ERA and just like all Shadowhunter books... deal with demons, angels, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, fae, and all those urban fantasy chaps.
This series is a classic to me now and feels like home. You can start with this series in the Shadowhunter Chronicles but I recommend plowing through The Mortal Instruments first because there are just some references that you won't understand if you begin here.
I still have to finish The Dark Artifices but this is always my go-to fantasy series when I need that feeling of coming home.

┈ Penryn & the End of Days by Susan Ee ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
The Penryn & the End of Days series is one that I read when I was on this urban fantasy high and got addicted to angel stories and was picking up basically every book I could find that had angels in the story. This particular one though is set in a post-apocalyptic world (a favorite genre of mine) wherein angels have taken over I believe... or are they saving people? Something like that.
My point is that the main character in this story is a normal human that is just trying to survive in this world where angels and other creatures reign free. And it was just so fun and adventurous. I don't remember ever getting bored.

┈ The Folk of the Air by Holly Black ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
If you have been active in the book community these past 3 years you probably have heard of this series already. It's an urban fantasy that revolves around the Fae. You probably hated it or loved it, or just outright not have read it. There is no in-between. I actually fell in the bracket of people who hated The Cruel Prince but apparently life takes a turn we don't expect sometimes and I ended up loving The Wicked King.
The Cruel Prince romanticized an abusive relationship in my opinion with barely any world-building. But The Wicked King fixed the world-building problems for me and Jude turned out to be a badass. The relationships between the other characters aside from the main duo also just my icy heart go soft.

┈ Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo ┈
┈ 2 books ┈
There's actually a third book coming out years after the first two books but I'm saying it's a duology since that's what it is at the moment.
Honestly, most people have already read this series because, why haven't you? But in the off chance that you haven't, I suggest that you should pick this up ASAP. It's considered YA royalty for a reason with the perfect blend of characters that won't give you backlash with the changing perspectives.
Victorian Atmosphere? Check.
Adventure? Check.
Heist? Check.
Anti-Heroes? Check.
Squad Goals? Check.

┈ The Young Elites by Marie Lu ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
If you are a little bit newer to the high fantasy genre, I recommend picking up The Young Elites. It's the only Marie Lu series that I have actually finished but it's one of those that has stuck with me for a long time. The books are quite short, I actually think it's the shortest trilogy on this list so if you want something on the shorter side a fantasy plot that also focuses on these group of teenagers who band together, you might like this.
I definitely think about it often and could be a series to get you into fantasy too :)

┈ Firebird Series by Claudia Gray ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
Another series for those craving time-travel + steampunk!! This is a series I read on a whim and once I started I couldn't put it down. It does lean more on romance a bit more than the usual fantasy book but I still definitely recommend it!
It reminds me of the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab actually because it deals with multiple worlds just like the Antari. So if you like those stories that you have to figure out (and end up getting attached to too many versions of one character), try picking this one!

┈ Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore ┈
┈ 7 books ┈
This is highkey more on the sci-fi side but definitely another series that I HIGHLY recommend to everyone. It follows these group of teenagers who were left here on Earth after their planet was destroyed by the 'evil' people called the Mogadorians. The first book follows Four (yes they are named according to their numbers) and what happens to him that leads to the events of the next books (I feel like if I say more it would be spoiling the plot).
Each of the children was handpicked to be kind of the generation that would jump start their dying race, the Loric. Each one of them has unique powers but all of them possess telekinesis. Trust me, if you are looking for those type of stories wherein teenagers band together to fight the protagonist this is exactly what you are looking for. I am so attached to all of the characters in this series and I have no doubt that you will be too.
Special note: there are Chimæras

┈ Monsters of Verity by Victoria Schwab ┈
┈ 2 books ┈
Yes, another Victoria Schwab book but this one is for those in the YA genre. Any Schwab book is just for sure going to have a unique world with beautiful writing. The Monsters of Verity series is about these monsters who have
The world and magical system is definitely more contained and, I would like to say, accessible in terms of story telling. So, if you are first trying to get into fantasy this duology is usually one of the first that I recommend! It's also a great transition into the Shades of Magic :3

┈ The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani ┈
┈ 3 books ┈
There are actually 6 books in the whole series but I have only read the first 3 and I'm my opinion you can just read those if you want. The ending of the 3rd book gives a solid ending already and the 4th book onwards introduces a new arc. I read this Middle-Grade Fantasy as a YA reader and still enjoyed it a whole lot. Honestly, I probably read it during the time when I didn't know the difference between middle grade/young adult/adult. Don't judge me.
The School for Good and Evil is set in this school where people are taught how to be good or evil (yes, I know right). The story follows 2 girls who have been friends for as long as they can remember. They end up attending this school but the girl who looks like she is the embodiment of goodness is actually under the 'evil' course and the girl who looks like she would be under the 'evil' course actually ends up studying on the 'good' course. The character developments in this story is really what pulled me to keep reading because it was so fascinating to see them grow into themselves.
So, if you are a character-driven person like I am, might I suggest picking this up the next time you are in the mood for a middle-grade series.
This was a pretty long post *wipes sweat* but thank you for reading if you got this far!
Are there any books you've read or are on your TBR list?
