A Curse of Roses by Diana Pinguicha

There has been such an influx of POC-authored books getting released and I am happy to be part of bringing you one out of hundreds of them ✨
Christmas is just around the corner for those of you who are celebrating! Advanced Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you guys have been reading some good books. Personally, I have just simply been relieved to get a break from academic work and university. It has been too long of a semester in the middle of this pandemic.
Thank goodness we have books to keep us company right?
The premise of A Curse of Roses caught my eye as it is about a woman who basically can turn flowers into food. And I thought that was such a cool power/curse? Read to find out more I guess 🌙
I have been, well not in a book slump but rather, I have just been going through books a lot slower as compared to the past few months. It's ironic because I have had significantly more time to myself. I guess I have been spending my free time resting. And boy, do we all deserve it.
In case your TBR pile isn't big enough (I know it is) here's another book to consider! Perhaps you are looking for some newer releases to start off your new year or end this long one.
I am working with Entangled Teen and YA Bound Book Tours for A Curse of Roses by Diana Pinguicha ♡

Title: A Curse of Roses
Author: Diana Pinguicha
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Published: December 1, 2020
Genre: YA Fantasy, LGBTQ+
With just one touch, bread turns into roses. With just one bite, cheese turns into lilies. There’s a famine plaguing the land, and Princess Yzabel is wasting food simply by trying to eat. Before she can even swallow, her magic—her curse—has turned her meal into a bouquet. She’s on the verge of starving, which only reminds her that the people of Portugal have been enduring the same pain. If only it were possible to reverse her magic. Then she could turn flowers…into food. Fatyan, a beautiful Enchanted Moura, is the only one who can help. But she is trapped by magical binds. She can teach Yzabel how to control her curse—if Yzabel sets her free with a kiss. As the King of Portugal’s betrothed, Yzabel would be committing treason, but what good is a king if his country has starved to death? With just one kiss, Fatyan is set free. And with just one kiss, Yzabel is yearning for more. She’d sought out Fatyan to help her save the people. Now, loving her could mean Yzabel’s destruction. Based on Portuguese legend, this #OwnVoices historical fantasy is an epic tale of mystery, magic, and making the impossible choice between love and duty…
"...a delicate queer romance between strong heroines propels the plot forward." - Publishers Weekly

Born in the sunny lands of Portugal, Diana is a Computer Engineer graduate who currently calls Lisbon home. She can usually be found writing, painting, devouring extraordinary quantities of books and video games, or walking around with her bearded dragon, Norberta. She also has two cats, Sushi and Jubas, who would never forgive her if she didn’t mention them.

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I hope you all are staying safe and keep reading!
